News : Eco-Innovation Symposium in Lyon, 25th october 2018

If you want to know and talk about Eco-innovation, to share experiences, to listen and contribute to exchanges of practices about how to implement eco-innovation and ecodesign : come and join the 6th Eco-Innovation Symposium !

A Pôle Eco-conception & ADEME event :

Please contact : +33 4 77 43 04 85 /


Companies, experts and partners will be present to deal with eco-innovation in depth and to understand how to implement Life Cycle Thinking into their organization. The Pôle Eco-conception will launch the French translation of the UN Environment’s manual « Eco-I manual : Eco-innovation implementation process », originally written under the supervision of Tim McAloone.


International workshop : hosted by ENEC

This roundtable welcomes European experts and companies already implementing ecodesign. The discussion will aim to share experiences of practices and to identify key factors of success to implement eco-innovation in companies. We’ll also talk about the utility of a support model according to the organisation’s maturity.

In presence of Tim McAloone, Professor, PhD, Technical University of Denmark, Mechanical Engineering,


Who’s ENEC ? ENEC is the European Network of Ecodesign Centres.

Most of the members’ organisations are all directly linked with regional government, which makes this network unique, ensuring a unique advisory role in offering guidance on ecodesign, from ‘policy to practice’, to regional, national and global policy-makers including the European Commission and United Nations. The mission of ENEC is to openly exchange knowledge, experience and best practice on all aspects of ecodesign to ensure more companies make ecodesign happen.


On the 24th October, beginning at 7:00pm, you’re welcome to a Networking evening on the boat Hermès II, come and listen to pitch from companies. You can also suggest one !
